Lyndsie’s Priorities
Mental Health
Oregon is in the middle of a mental health crisis, with too few mental health professionals to address the issue. Teen suicide rates in Lane County are some of the worst in the nation, and that is unacceptable. I’m working to bring all the stakeholders together to address this crisis - and I’m developing programs to train the next generation of counselors and therapists. In addition to strengthening area resources, these programs will add living-wage jobs to our community. As a City Councilor, I am also dedicated to supporting our community’s culture of belonging and expanding existing programs, like White Bird and CAHOOTS, doing important mental health work.
Housing & Homelessness
The shortage of housing and rising homelessness are two sides of one coin. Every year, the demand for housing outstrips the supply, resulting in more and more people on the streets. An increase in housing supply, which will bring down costs, will make homeownership more achievable for working families. Affordable housing must be a part of this equation, with a focus on low-income and middle-income units, as well as on permanent supported housing to care for those affected by the trauma of being unhoused. Additionally, expanding protections for renters and others that are housing insecure is a key element to keeping the housing crisis from getting worse. We must bring developers, nonprofits, and all levels of government together to meet this urgent need. I will also ensure that our housing services, like our Safe Sleep Sites remain open and expand to include more available beds.
Fighting for Climate Justice
Eugene is known for its natural beauty, attracting tourists from all over the world to enjoy our bikeable city and see the ecological wonders of the Oregon Coast and the Cascade Mountains. Yet the climate crisis threatens this beauty as well as the very foundations of our city and society. I will work to ensure that Eugene remains a national leader on climate action, and that our city equitably meets the ambitious goals set in our 2014 Climate Recovery Ordinance.
Protecting Our Natural Environment
Our greenway that threads through our city is one of our community’s most precious assets. The river gives us life and our beautiful parks and green spaces allow us to immerse ourselves in nature only minutes from our homes. I am committed to protecting and preserving our green spaces so that they can be enjoyed for many years to come.
Quality, Affordable Childcare
In Eugene, we only have one day care space for every seven children. For working families who need two incomes to make ends meet, this poses an extreme challenge. Ensuring the availability of quality, affordable child care is one of the most important ways to support economic development and thriving families. My first-hand experience as a young working mother and my professional knowledge from my work at WellMama are core to who I am. This inspires me to advocate for quality, affordable childcare to set up our future generations for success.